Quit playing it safe with your web copy! Here’s why

Whether DIY’ing your website copy or hiring it out, the temptation to play it safe can be strong — either by playing it safe in your own approach, or by the (strict) brief you give your copywriter. After all, it's easier to follow the well-trodden path, stick to what worked before, and try to blend in with industry trends. But here's the thing: playing it safe might just be holding you back.

If you're diluting your voice, relying on conventional rules, or mimicking competitors, you could be missing out on the magic that happens when you embrace your authentic voice (+ message) and let your brand's personality shine through.

Read this blog post to understand why stepping away from the safety net can lead to more authentic connections, better results (hello warm leads, hello hot sales!), and a stronger brand presence.

Diluting your voice can dilute your value

One of the most common ways businesses play it safe is by diluting their voice. You might hold back in your copy because you're afraid of putting someone off or sounding too bold (or maybe even unprofessional!).

But guess what? That fear is often unfounded. When you water down your message to appeal to everyone, you end up resonating with no one. Or you simply attract the wrong people, and then your business just feels a bit ick. It’s a marketing cliche, I know – but you have to be clear on who you’re talking to (and who you want to do business with), and then it’s easier to lean into a confident version of your voice.

The truth is, you want to attract people who get you — the real you — and recognise your true value. By embracing your real voice (the one that feels easy because it’s not fake), you’ll draw in clients and customers who align with your brand and are excited to work with you. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine in your copy. It’s the key to standing out in a crowded market.

Are you more a ‘we’ than an I? Or are you evolving into a bigger version of your business by growing your team? Oftentimes it’s still about leaning into your OG founder profile – who you are and why you made your business a success – to establish a company voice + message. This can then be communicated out to any team members. 

Conventional rules can equate to generic results.

Look copywriting is an art-form, to a certain degree. Yes, there are rules and best practices and all that jazz – but creative copywriting is about tearing the rule book up and doing what’s best for you + your vision.

However, I get it. We’ve all been there: Googling how to write copy, following tutorials, and still not seeing the results we hoped for. It’s easy to think that following the rules will lead to success, but the reality is that templates and guides weren't built for YOU, your offering, or your audience.

If following conventional copywriting rules feels forced, it probably is. It’s as simple as that. If it’s not flowing, it’s not flowing. Your brand is unique, and your copy should reflect that. Rip up the rule book and focus on web copy that serves you, your audience and your goals. When you do, you’ll get closer to that cutting-through-the-noise impact you’ve been dreaming of.

But it isn’t that simple when you don’t know what you’re doing? I get it. And that’s why a custom approach to website copy is so vital when businesses are looking to uplevel and step up (say for instance you’re doing fab as a wedding photographer, but now you’re ready to step it up and work with people who really light you up – here’s where your messaging really matters). Check out my fully custom copywriting service here. 

Tip: If you’re hiring a copywriter for your website, be sure to go with someone who is confident to direct you strategically. You want — and need — creative direction when writing website copy — if you want to see a good return on your investment. And you also need someone who isn’t afraid to tell you when you’re playing it too safe in your brief. A strategic copywriter will advise you on how to create your voice + message, not just simply write the words you think are right for your business vision + brand.

Sticking with what works stops brands evolving with the times

If your website copy has been around since say 2022 (or even earlier), it might be time for a refresh. Your business landscape evolves quickly, and what worked two years ago might not be as effective today.

It's okay to admit that your old copy is no longer working and to pivot. Your messaging has likely evolved through your marketing channels and in conversations with clients or customers. Your job is to make sure your web copy evolves with it (no more playing it safe!). When your messaging is in sync, it gives you confidence and ensures a seamless brand experience for your audience.

Mimicking competitors might feel like a safe bet, but the reality is same-sameness

It can be tempting to copy your competitors' style, especially if they seem to be doing well. But playing it safe by mimicking others only dilutes your YOU-ness – and that is, quite frankly, your USP. Industry trends exist for a reason, but they shouldn’t overshadow what makes your brand recognisable among a sea of other industry experts.

Putting your own stamp on things helps you stand out, attract the right people, and feel confident in every word you share. Your competitors might be successful, but that doesn't mean their approach will work for you. Trust your instincts and be brave enough to forge your own path. The more you go out there with your own voice, the easier it wil feel.

Want help establishing that voice? Fully custom copywriting could be perfect for you – check it out.

Why go bold (and brave) with your web copy?

So, what's the worst that can happen when you choose be a little ‘out there’ with your web copy? Honestly, there’s very little I can think of. Some might worry about alienating people, but let’s take a moment to think about this. It’s not actually a bad thing. Of course, you don’t want to alienate your ideal client (don’t be crazy!), and maybe the word ‘alienating’ is a bit harsh – but you do want to say a kind ‘I’m not for you’ to the people who aren’t right for your business. Think the ghosters, time-wasters, can-you-just’ers, the energy-zappers. Instead, you want to say a warm hello to people who absolutely need, want and VALUE your service – and what you say (and how you say) is a big part of articulating that. 

TLDR: When you alienate those who aren’t aligned with your brand, you make space to attract more of the right people.

The right clients are the ones who resonate with your authentic voice and are eager to work with you. They’re the ones who land in your inbox with a hot YES before you’ve even sent a proposal.

So here’s my wrap up: stop playing it safe, embrace your boldness, and watch how your web copy makes things happen in your business – like a valuable team member nurturing those warm leads + hot sales.

Ready to take that big, bold step? Ima waiting over here – check out my custom copywriting service.


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