4 benefits of hiring a website designer when working with a copywriter

Hey, lovely reader. This is a blog post by Aliyyah Anshan — a website designer & SEO strategist for therapists and health & wellness businesses. Enjoy!

So, you’ve decided to invest in hiring a copywriter for your website and are relieved you won’t have to spend hours figuring out what the heck to write and how to write it. I can say from experience, that this is a wise choice!

Heck, you might even invest in some cute branding photos and an SEO strategy as well. 

Yes! Now all you have to do is put it all together in a decent-looking website and presto - your dream clients will be booking your services in no time. But will they?

Here’s a hard truth - I’ve seen time and time again where entrepreneurs invest in a copywriter and think that simply having well-written copy on a website with pretty images and colours, will entice potential clients to hire you or invest in your services. Only for months, even years, to pass, and you’ve had a handful of clients come through your website.

"None of the marketing things you fuss about are going to help you if your website is not set up to CONVERT."

None of your marketing efforts will give you the results you want if your website is not designed with a clear strategy plan. All the components of a website should work holistically for it to truly be a long-term marketing tool that supports the growth of your health & wellness business.

Here’s an example of a website homepage that was DIY’d after working with a copywriter:

You might be looking at this and thinking “that’s not soo bad.” 

Copy and design 🤝

Now have a look at the concept design to see just how much of an impact working with a website designer along side your copywriter, can have on the end result of a strategically designed.

Do you see the difference?

You need to grab your website visitors’ attention in less than 3 seconds. And we’re well aware that first impressions play a vital role in making or breaking any kind of relationship. Your website is no different. Your potential clients need to know, within the first 3 seconds, what your business is all about, entice them to want to know more about you and your services, and see just how much of a perfect match you are for their needs.

Here are 4 key benefits of how working with a website designer can support the work you invest in with a copywriter:

1.They can organize your content in a strategic and straightforward way so your website visitors can quickly and easily scan for the information they need.

This is also known as your on-page customer journey. And at specific points within that journey, you want to be sure you’ve given your potential customer the opportunity, at the right time, to take the next step - choose to work with you.

2. They can design a website that truly represents you and your brand. The words along with your visual elements need to make sense and work together to be sure website visitors are sticking around long enough to get to know who you are, what you do, and trust that you are the right fit for their needs.

If your brand personality is calm and soothing, your images, fonts, graphics, and colour palette should reflect that. On the other hand, if you’re bubbly and quirky, these elements should showcase that as well.

3. A designer understands how to use design elements on your website that will strengthen your SEO strategy to help you get found through search engines.

You might be surprised to know that certain text and the size along with the name of your images can negatively affect your SEO points with Google. Even without a robust SEO strategy, you can still set yourself up for success by using these key elements correctly from the beginning.

4. Designers know exactly where to include call to action buttons within your website design so that clients take the action you want them to take, like booking a consultation call or scheduling an appointment, at the right time.

If you ask a potential client to buy from you as soon as they land on your site, is like expecting to get engaged on your first date (I’m sure it happens, but very rarely!). Your potential clients want to get a sense of who they’re working with, especially when it comes to the health and wellness space. Health is a very intimate and personal thing, so trust needs to come first before they click on that “book now” button.

BONUS: They save you time, money, and your sanity.

When all of those pieces work together you increase your chances of working with more of your dream clients over and over again, and your work feels purposeful and fulfilling. On top of that, if you had any website shame before, I guarantee the feeling of wanting to hide your website from everyone will quickly turn into confidence and excitement about showing it off to just about everyone.

Aliyaah Anshan - SEO strategist & website designer

About Aliyyah - website designer & SEO strategist

Aliyyah Anshan is a website designer & SEO strategist for therapists and health & wellness business who aren’t quite sure how to effectively utilize their website to market themselves in a way that feels genuine and impactful while connecting with the right clients

Aliyyah's focus is designing websites that not only oooh and ahhh but are built with a clear intention and sound strategy. As a graduate of Interior Design and having spent part of her career as a business analyst, she approaches any website design project with a holistic lens to combine brand strategy, SEO, copywriting, and eye-catching design to provide you with a long-term marketing tool that sincerely reflects you and your values while supporting the growth of your health practice.


Why website copy always comes first (before website design)


How to prepare for your website copy project