Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘your about page is not about you, it’s about them’. Chances are, you have! As a copywriter, I have a love/ hate relationship with this phrase. I love the essence of it because it’s so true. But I hate how airy-fairy it is! It’s certainly not very helpful when you’re getting into the nitty-gritty of what your ‘about’ page needs to say.
So, in this blog post, I’m getting specific – no airy-fairy advice here.
An about page is all about you and/ or your business. Right? Well, yes, to a certain extent. Indeed, an about page is somewhere where your prospect will go to when they want to learn more about you – but that doesn’t mean they want to read chapter and verse about your company history and how you once won an award in 1989.
In fact, an ‘about’ page is so much more. It represents a fantastic opportunity for you to align with your ideal client – so when they arrive on your website, you don’t just tick their boxes, but you make them feel fantastically excited about working with you!
Your about page isn’t about you, it’s about them
This age-old expression in the copywriting (and marketing) world is true. Your about page is about ‘them’ – your audience, but what does that mean?
In a nutshell, it means that whatever you include should be for the benefit of your audience.
Sometimes, it helps to remember what an about page is NOT for too. So, here are some about page no-nos.
Ok, so let’s move on. What can you do proactively to write a great ‘about’ page?
Having a clear statement saying what you do is key. This is not supposed to be complicated or overly creative. It’s not a strapline. But it is as simple as ‘We help <target audience> do X, Y & Z’
The focus here is ‘value’. What do you add to your target audience’s life? What problem do you solve? How do you make them feel? What do you achieve for them? You want to say exactly what value you represent (this is more than features & benefits).
Your dream clients are out there – and they want to work with someone just like you. So, how are you going to showcase how well-matched you are?
Your ‘about’ page copy is a great place to explain succinctly the kind of things that matter to your audience – and that matter to you. You want your ideal client to think, “wow, yes, this is exactly the kind of person who will get me!” because you’re valuing the same things.
Say ‘hello’ and introduce yourself. Show the real person (or people) you are.
Whether you’re a one woman-band or a huge business with lots of different faces, I can guarantee that your audience wants to know the real people behind the business. You might be thinking, “but why?”. You may have heard that longstanding (old!?) expression, “people do business with people” – well yeah, I completely agree. Showing the real people that make your business (or person) creates a real human connection from the outset.
You don’t need to hide your personality away; you should embrace it. I’m not saying you need to share your life story, but being authentic about who you are (and letting that beautiful personality shine through) can do wonders in converting the right people via your ‘about’ page.
Tip: if you’re a bigger company and struggling with many different personalities, you’ll need to define your brand’s personality. When it comes to copy, this will look like your brand voice (how you sound, what words you use and so on).
Reassure your audience with a comprehensive list of any accreditations, qualifications and relevant experience that matters to them. No, please don’t say, ‘we’re an award-winning company’ if you won one iffy award back in 2013. This is your opportunity to show off all the things that will make your dream client go, “THIS is what I can trust”.
If you’ve partnered or collaborated with key industry players and respected brands, your ‘about’ page is a great place to include this. It will back up everything that you say about yourself and your business.
I’m talking testimonials, reviews & those juicy proof points. Ohhh, they work wonders with prospects.
Not the same as what I just said! This time, I’m talking about replicating the language they use – so your ‘about’ page really speaks on their level. Plus, your clients will say it best.
I could sit here all day and give you tips about writing great copy for your website, But I get it. You’re busy, and although you know it’s important — and you want to do it — you never seem to give your web copy the attention (and time) it needs.
Check out my custom website copywriting service here. Or skip ahead and tell me about your project here.
I’m here to literally inject some colour into your web copy.
Pop your details here, and receive instant access to my super easy fill-in-the-blanks web copy template + SEO mini guide. Packed with lots of tips to guide your copywriting.
Website copy got you feeling all blank-google-doc sad?
Zoe Barnett is an SEO strategist + website copywriter for photographers, coaches, creatives + service-based businesses. While Zoe is a Manchester-based copywriter (UK), she provides web copywriting services for clients worldwide — including the US.