5 easy copywriting tips for parenting brands

Parenting brand? 5 back-to-basics copywriting tips to boost the impact of your words

Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it—I'm head over heels for parenting businesses. Birth and baby ventures, doula services, postpartum support—you name it. So many of you do so much good. Often born from a passion to help people (people being parents, just like you), you focus your time and energy on everything from easing anxieties about a toddler refusing to eat to helping a mum prepare for the 4th trimester. And that is massively commendable. 

But here's the thing—ever feel like your words aren't hitting the mark? With every other Instagram post doling out top tips for new mums and a gazillion parenting blogs flooding the internet, how do you ensure your words break through the noise?

In this blog, I’ll give you the essential copywriting basics you absolutely need to nail as a parenting brand. Nope, this isn’t the nitty-gritty stuff (though, let's be real, I adore diving deep for my clients because that's what truly sets you apart). Instead, we're talking about the fundamental copywriting ABCs that every business targeting parents needs to master.

Ready to feel more confident with your words? Keep reading…

Parents, what a bloody amazing audience (who deserve bloody amazing words)! I mean, I don’t mean to blow my own trumpet, but I’m a parent, and the fact that I haven’t had a lie-in for 673 years (read: 2.5 years) is pretty outstanding.

01. Use the word 'you' in your content

This is a basic copywriting rule – but one you can never underestimate. Speaking directly to your audience will help each and every single person feel more connected to you, as a business and as a brand. 

There is so much you can help parents with. Yet sometimes this focus on the information can mean that vital personal link is overlooked. By saying ‘you’, you’re ticking a huge box – taking an element of generalisation and chucking it out the window.

02. Empathy is your copywriting superpower

While there’s a lot of joy in parenting, there’s also a lot of hardship. And I mean a lot. Wrestling with everything from overwhelm to anxiety, the parents you’re helping need to know you’re there for them. You get them. And you’ll listen to them.

This is why empathy is your superpower. By infusing a warm, kind tone to your copy and content, you will instantly reassure parents in all kinds of scenarios.

tired mom - copywriting tips for parenting brands

Never has empathy been so crucial than talking to parents who need, want, and look for support. As a parent myself, I just want to feel heard - so make it clear you get them and you’re listening.

o3.  Keyword research is your copy’s friend

Parents googlin' is BIG. Like 3am mamas up feeding their baby and scrolling Google for the answer to their concerns. And while it can feel hard to compete with so much information (and misinformation) out there, you stand a better chance if you understand what keywords — and phrases — are being used. Use this to your advantage.

My first point of call is Google's keyword planner. You’ll get a great overview of words you can infuse into your writing. You don’t need to get every keyword into your blog post or web copy multiple times. That’s called keyword stuffing, and I’d never recommend that. But what you can do is review your copy (like a sales page) or content (like a blog post) and spot where keywords may elevate what you’re writing as a parenting brand.

The thing to remember is Google’s business model. They want to connect searching users on the internet to the best quality results – that’s why (frankly) everyone ‘googles it’ rather than any other search engine. Google is known as the best for high-quality, accurate results. So your job isn’t to trick Google; it’s to add more high-quality, targeted results.

04. Be human (be real) in your content

AI is so helpful in getting started, which is fab. But please, go back and inject your own brand personality in - you are what’s unique, and that’s what stands out. Edit your content and make sure it reads as if a supportive, knowledgable, and trusted friend (or professional - depending on your brand voice) has written it. Not your trusty robot friend.

Alternatively, write from the heart from the very start! Then ask AI to offer suggestions, proofread, and give feedback. This can sometimes be more effective – just be sure to give clear prompts, so AI doesn’t go wild. I’ve had some funny big no-no suggestions before. 

05. Break your content down

It can be tempting to impart all your knowledge in one go - 'cos you can help so many parents, right? But that is overwhelming for your audience of parents. So instead, break your content (like blogs, social posts, emails) into manageable bite-sized chunks. You’ll also have lots of batched content, which takes the weight off. Win-win, right?

Copywriting for parenting brands

You know what, you guys? You’re doing incredible things. And you deserve incredible copy that engages, supports and empowers parents. These 5 tips will help you elevate what you’re doing now – and they’re super simple to implement. Give them a try, and let me know how you get on. 

Are you a birth and baby business or parenting brand looking for website copy or content marketing?

I’d just love to help! I’m Zoe Barnett - a strategic SEO copywriter & content marketer specialising in baby, birth, and parenting brands. 

Book a discovery call today and discover how I can help you love our words and brim with confidence.e 

More brand voice, messaging & copywriting tips, please!

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Hey, I’m Zoe! Copywriter & Content Marketer

Living in Cheshire, UK, I work with wonderful clients all over the world to give them word confidence. From children’s occupational health services to wedding dress designers, I give brands web copy, social content, email content, blogs, and more that help them achieve amazing things. Let’s be clear, there’s nothing mediocre here - just incredible words for incredible businesses. 

Want to know more? Learn more about me here.


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