4 burnout learnings to apply to your web copy

Website copy and business owner burnout? What’s the link there?! Keep reading; trust me, I learned so many things from burnout that you can apply to your web copy to make it more effective (and healthier for your business—and yourself!).

It was the first week of January. The Christmas tree was packed away. My little one was back at school. The routine was back! And I was ready to go. Until illness struck. My little one got ill. Then my partner became really ill. A day or two of January motivation quickly turned into three weeks of illness—and feeling close to burnout in my website copywriting business. 

This time wasn’t much fun. However, the positive was that after six years of running a website copywriting business, I quickly recognised the signs of impending burnout. I told myself to slow down. And with that, I had time to dwell on something…

The thing is, burnout is pretty common. And it’s something that you can spot in a business’ web copy. Not only because it’s so hard to prioritise your web copy when life is a lot, but also in the strategy—or lack thereof—of your words, and how you use them across your website. But it’s not all bad news; knowing how to deal with burnout (in life and web copy) can help you get back on track. After all, I believe there are answers to most things in life – including your web copy. 

In this blog post, I’ll delve into

  • what I’ve learned about burnout as a business owner

  • how you can apply this to your potentially burnt-out web copy

  • what you can do to reduce burnout, and improve your web copy

Web copy red flags

Before we start, let’s understand how we spot web copy burnout. For you, as a business owner, it’s not always straightforward as it sneaks in quietly, disguised as writer's block or creative fatigue. But the signs are often there.

Here are some of the common red flags:

  • Overcomplicated messaging

When you have a million thoughts, it’s hard to distil them into one simple message. If you’ve ever found yourself cramming too much information into a single paragraph or jumping around web pages, adding extra info here and extra info there, that's a classic symptom of website messaging burnout. 

When your messaging becomes complex, your website visitors – and potential clients – will become confused. They don’t have time (or the inclination!) to decode complex messages. They want clarity, and they want it fast.

  • Information overload

Are you bombarding your audience with an avalanche of copy, leaving them overwhelmed and unsure where to focus? This is another telltale sign of burnout. It takes vital energy to cut things back and make it easier for other people (your people, your audience), so your copy can suffer when that energy is waning. 

  • Missing strategy

It’s really hard to be strategic when you're nearing burnout. Your brain is so overloaded that you can’t step back and work out what’s best. Your web copy is no different—and if it’s presented as words for the sake of words on your website, this is a red flag.  

4 key burnout learnings to apply to your web copy

01. You have to prioritise the important things!

When my son got ill, and my partner ended up in hospital with pneumonia (agh!), I had to really strip everything back. You go into survival mode, and you focus on what matters. In my personal case, it was pausing copywriting projects, taking time off, resting and asking for help. 

Now, I’m not saying your web copy needs to go into any dramatic survival mode. But I am saying that by prioritising what matters and stripping away the excess in your website copy, you can build back brand messaging that is stronger than ever.

So, practically, what does this mean?

Ask yourself: what is the essential information?

Start by identifying the core messages you want to convey. What do you want your visitors to know, feel, or do after reading your copy? These should be front and center, with everything else playing a supporting role.

Remember basic web copy streamlining techniques

Techniques like bullet points, headings, and concise language can help you deliver your message more effectively. Remember, your goal isn't to impress with your vocabulary; it's to connect with your audience and drive action.

02. Remember who you are, and what you love

It’s so easy to deviate from who we are when we're nearing burnout. We keep going, and going, and going, without any real ‘check-in’ with ourselves. I think we’ve all been there, right? Especially us (reforming) people-pleasers. 

One of the silver linings of burnout is that it forces you to reevaluate your priorities and rediscover what truly matters. For many business owners, this means embracing authenticity, what work lights them up, which people they like to work with, and how they like to do business.

When your website copy is authentic, it’s easier to write, you enjoy it more, and everything feels so much better. But it’s also a better way to do business. Your website copy should reflect the personality and values of your brand. And if your brand is a big part of you—as it so often is—don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. The right people will connect with your business, and you’ll say a friendly goodbye to the wrong people.

03. Boundaries are so healthy

When you’re burnt out—or nearing burnout—it’s vital to set boundaries in your personal life. Say no to work emails after 5 p.m., no to constant favours, and no to running around after a family member. Saying no and being confident in your position can remove so much mental energy that contributes to burnout.

When it comes to web copy, I always say great words don’t just sell for you, as we so often think of with sales copy. Great web copy will put boundaries in place, articulating your services, your price point, your process, your expectations – everything. The idea is that infusing your copy with kind but firm boundaries will, again, get the right people knocking on your door, instead of the wrong. 

Want to know more about web copy and how it creates healthy business owner boundaries?

This blog is just for you. Read here. 

04. Empathy is human, and that’s wonderful

Empathy is the cornerstone of effective website copywriting. It says I get you, I get your problem, I understand, and I’m here to help. Burnout teaches us the importance of empathy – and how a listening ear and some kind words can help us through tough times.

Put yourself in your audience's shoes and address their needs, concerns, and desires. Your words must show them that you understand what they're going through and that you're here to help.

Better yet, speak to your audience and gather their feedback. When I work with my clients, I always ask them to do their ‘homework’ – market research – so they can infuse their copy with real-time empathy. 

Can web copy help reduce burnout?

Now, that’s a big question—and an even bigger claim if I tell you, ‘Yes, of course!’

But here’s the thing, I do believe great web copy can lighten the load. It reduces the overwhelm, clarifies your messages to the right people and will create a streamlined, strategic funnel to help prospects become clients. 

And if that’s one less thing for you to think about, I think that’s pretty marvellous!

After all, your well-being is just as important as your business goals. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to run a business you love, and do amazing things for your clients. 

Are you looking for a website copywriter for your creative business?

I’d just love to help! I’m Zoe Barnett - a strategic website & SEO copywriter.

Book a discovery call today and discover how I can help you love our words and brim with confidence.e 

More website & SEO copywriting tips, please!

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Hey, I’m Zoe! Copywriter & Content Marketer

Living in Cheshire, UK, I work with wonderful clients all over the world to give them word confidence. From children’s occupational health services to wedding dress designers, I give brands web copy, social content, email content, blogs, and more that help them achieve amazing things. Let’s be clear, there’s nothing mediocre here - just incredible words for incredible businesses. 

Want to know more? Learn more about me here.


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