7 reasons why your web copy isn’t converting - and how to fix it

Is something off with your web copy? Do you feel it’s just not working? Sometimes you get feedback from confused clients. And sometimes your Google Analytics will simply tell you something on your website is a big nope. Web copy is essential for converting your audience. It can be the difference between someone closing their tab and opening up Google again… or reaching out via your online form. 

So, I will dive right in - and be pretty blunt (no beating around the bush here). Here are the reasons your web copy could be failing you… and some quick tips on how to fix it. 

1.You’re not clear on your audience

Perhaps you’ve done a customer persona exercise. You’ve worked out your customer avatar and given them a name. Bravo! But is that enough? So often we forget who our target audience is, or we lose sight of them over time - and then when we come to write copy, that person is a distant memory.

How to fix this?

There are lots you can do to get under the skin of your target audience. But the big thing I think really helps is to ask, “What keeps them up at night?” and ‘How can we help them with that?” throughout the copy planning process (yes, you’ve got to plan before you write in most cases!).

Imagine how you’d reassure your audience and make them feel calm. What words would you say? What tone would you use? Answer that, and you’re on your way to improving your web copy.

2.You’re overcomplicating things

You’ve got a service to explain - how it works, who it’s for, how it benefits them, what’s the process and how to get started. Not to mention, you need to explain WHY you’re amazing and why someone should choose you, over anyone else. Then, you’ve got to link to your testimonials? And blog posts!? Yes, they show how knowledgeable you are. Then let’s tell your audience to contact you on this form but also, they can phone you and ask for a free 15-minute consultation. But also, you can download this free guide… and, phew! I’m exhausted, and my brain hurts even typing all that.

How to fix this?

So many times there’s just too much going on, and ‘if you confuse, you lose [your target audience]’.

So, you need to break everything down and apply some structure. Ask ‘does my reader need to know this NOW?’ at every point. Oh, and pick one call-to-action and stick with it. Your free guide is great… but it might work better elsewhere.

3. You’re maxing out on the snooze factor

Dreary copy is boring. And people can’t be bothered to scan it, let alone read it. From long and unnecessary corporate waffle to simply lacking a unique brand personality, when your audience gets bored, they’ll disappear. Enough said.

How to fix it?

Create a brand personality - and a tone of voice. Make it appeal to your reader and use language that would engage them on their level.

4. You’re not emphasising with your audience

It’s alright knowing your audience but are you taking the extra steps to understand their problems? Your audience needs to believe you care - so if you lack empathy in your words, then they may distrust you.

How to fix it?

Go through and check for explicit mentions of understanding. Don’t assume they’ll know you care - tell them through your words. More often than not, you want to create the message “we get it, and we’re here for you.” 

5. You’re not actually doing any selling

Does selling give you ‘the ick’? It does for many people in business, so you’re not alone. You don’t want to be salesy, you just want to convert on the basis that people will want to work with you. I get it - but you can still clearly explain what you offer, without sounding like you’re a car salesman. 

How to fix it?

Use clear call-to-actions regarding your service i.e. ‘Work with me’. 

6. You’re formatting it all wrong

Your heading is halfway down the page. Your list of benefits doesn’t even show properly on mobile. And that massive paragraph of text is overwhelming.

How to fix it?

Test, test, test! Check your copy displays correctly on your website. And don’t be afraid to break things down - use paragraphs, line spaces and lists.

7. You’re not prioritising it

Web copy can fall down the ‘to-do’ list easily. After all, they are just words. Surely not as important as design? *spits out tea* OR perhaps you feel overwhelmed with them every time you come to them? You wouldn’t be the first, and you certainly won’t be the last. However, sticking your head in the sand is not going suddenly magic wonderful web copy into your hands!

How to fix it?

Hire me as your web copywriter! (haha) Seriously though, sometimes you need a fresh set of (professional copywriter) eyes to help you pull through. I’ll give you the words to achieve amazing things on your website. And we’ll have fun and enjoy the process while I do it. 

Get in touch to ask me about my website copywriting service.


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